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Over 28yrs our assembly has been guided by this prayer given to our Founding Leader, the Late Bishop Vibert Lowe by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.  Now you can own a copy on a plaque that can be strategically placed among your decor at home or the office.

The Cleansing Prayer Plaque

SKU: 748225326771
Expected by December
  • Over 25yrs The Power In the Blood Assembly has been guided by The Cleansing Prayer, given to our Founding Leader, the Late Bishop Vibert DaCosta Lowe by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.  Now you can own a copy on a plaque that can be strategically placed among your decor.

PIBA Logo - white cross

Cnr. Kew Road & Tudor Bridge,

St. Michael, Barbados, W.I.

Tel: (246) 425-9224

Whatsapp: (246) 243-7950

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