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Our Mission

Power In The Blood Assembly's mission is to avail ourselves to be used as instruments of righteousness by God

to touch lives by the teaching of the Word, the application of the Blood of Jesus and the authority of the name of Jesus

Our Vision

Victorious Living
through Jesus

We are a community of holistic care.

  • Committed to Christian values

  • Ministering the love of God in tangible and intangible ways

  • Desirous of each person achieving their God ordained potential.

Senior Pastor

Rev. Dr. Eric Peters B.Th., MA.Th

A gifted servant of God who is uncompromisingly committed to the Work and Word of God. He is the husband of Dr. Suzelle Lowe-Peters and the father of wonderful children. He is a firm believer in the operation of the church according to its foundational model: one that demonstrates Love and embodies the Life of God to its generation.


He powerfully expresses the message of Hope with the sole objective of reigniting the fire of life and rekindling the spark of hope to anyone who listens. He lives to see all men come to the knowledge of Christ and commit to a change that will impact future generations.

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Edla Lowe Bsc., MBA

Wife of the Founder: The Late Bishop Vibert Dac. Lowe

B.A., Cert. Ed., C.E.M.A

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Terrence Sobers M.A

A Christian Minister and Certified Professional Counselor who is dedicated to facilitating  transformation in individual lives by the use of pastoral and professional counseling techniques.


Ashel Phillips Dip.Th.

Lead Pastor at the Carlton location of Power In The Blood Assemblies.


25th Anniversary

"Trust God where you can't trace Him"

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He who calls you is Faithful, who also will do it. (1Thessalonians5:24NKJV)


Today as a church we celebrate 25 years of service to God under the theme “For His Glory: Time to bear fruit.” We do this   in acknowledgement that whatever we do we must do it for the glory of God and that as the body of Christ we are expected to be fruitful.  As we celebrate we also take time to remember our Late Bishop Vibert Dacosta Lowe, my husband and the father of our four children, Ian, Dave, Suzelle and Viberta . He was  the one who God called and used to start this Ministry for the glory of God in the earth.


Saved in his youth, Vibert had a love and a commitment to God, but it was at the age of 35, when faced with the threat of death, that he had a special encounter with God which became a turning point in His life.  You see, it was at that time he was diagnosed with an aneurysm that manifested with serious headaches and ptosis of the eye. Doctors said “you are a walking time bomb”, "you could die any minute", but God had a different plan. Touched miraculously by the power of God, healed without having to undergo the planned surgery, he was convinced that it was the goodness and mercy of God and the power of the Blood of Jesus that brought him through that ordeal.  This dedicated school teacher, while remaining committed to teaching children the three R's, Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, became sold out to God, determined  to teach men how to Believe Right, Think Right and Live Right. According to him, the life he was now living belonged to God and it was his desire to turn out souls like a drink machine would turn out drinks. 


As God would have it, on Tuesday, October 1st, 1996, the doors of Power In The Blood Assembly were opened.  He was supported by his family and a faithful and dedicated group of men and women.  Persons who had caught his vision to see men delivered from the power of sin and set on a path to live victoriously through Jesus.  I take this opportunity to thank  those pioneers, some of who are still alive and active in ministry today.  Bishop Lowe placed  great emphasis on the gospel of Salvation as recorded in John 3:16,   the mountain moving  faith of Mark 11:23-24  and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit as He is allowed to bear fruit in the life of the believer according to Galatians 5:22-23.


Nine years into Ministry, in the midst of  growth and expansion, sickness would strike again, this time a progressive stroke, but the God who did it before would do it again. He was able to bounce back to continue the work he had started. On November 28th, 2016, he answered his call into eternity, ending 20 years of Ministry, but not before, under the leading of the Holy Spirit, putting systems in place to ensure continuity of the ministry.


Today, 25 years after its birth, by the faithfulness of God to complete that which he had begun, Power in the Blood Assembly is still an active, vibrant ministry. We have grown from one location to two in Barbados and have one Affiliate ministry,  in Trinidad known as Salt Shakers International. We are  providing formal Christian Education through the Power in the Blood Bible Institute and professional counselling services through our Soul Care Ministry.  We are also maintaining our relevance in this season, serving  our growing E-Community, connected through our social media platforms.


It  is with great pleasure that today we unveil a Commemorative plaque in Honour of our Late Bishop. We do not do this with the intent to immortalize Bishop Lowe but as a reminder and an encouragement to whoever will see this plaque, to do as our late Bishop would always say “TRUST GOD WHERE YOU CAN’T TRACE HIM”  


God Bless you all and Happy Anniversary Power in the Blood Family

Written By: Pastor Edla Lowe

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Cnr. Kew Road & Tudor Bridge,

St. Michael, Barbados, W.I.

Tel: (246) 425-9224

Whatsapp: (246) 243-7950

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