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Updated: Jan 22, 2023

From Isaiah 61

View the entire service here:

1. The same Spirit on Christ rest upon me
2. The same Spirit that works in Christ is in full control of my life
3. I am anointed by God to bring change into lives and situations
4. My life will produce evidence of my anointing
5. My life functions under the approval of heaven
6. I am focused on my God-appointed assignment
7. I will fulfill God’s appointment for my life
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Declaration for 2023 From 2 Thessalonians

We declare that our faith will grow exceedingly to believe God for all His promises in our lives.
We declare that our love toward each other will grow and flourish into genuine fellowship.
We declare a steadfast and discerning spirit in the midst of distraction and deception.
We declare a commitment to the Word of Truth that reveals Christ so that men may be saved.
We declare our steadfast faith in the Lord who shall establish us and keep us from falling.

Watch the full Get Ready event here:

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Joshua 24:14-15

I declare that I will choose to love God and His Word.
I declare that I will hide the Word of God in my heart so that I may not sin against Him.
I declare I will develop a desire for the presence of God.
I declare that I will use my power of influence to impact the lives of those around me positively.
I declare that I will seize every opportunity provided as a teachable moment to teach the truth of the gospel of Jesus.
I declare that I will take my family responsibility seriously and lead by example by the grace of God.
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